Product Name: Retail Vintage Pokémon Binder Collection
375 total cards. 90 rare holos. Condition ranges mainly from LP to MP/HP. All cards are played. Most have some sort of imperfection, some more than others from play. (Whitening/Creasing) etc. Many are in solid shape. Condition varies. None are mint. You get all retail cards pictured and more. Charizard EX is LP, Giratina is LP, Mewtwo EX is MP, Zapdos EX is LP, Deoxys is HP, Heatran is MP, Gallade EX is NM, Delibird is NM, Latios is MP, Crobat is LP, Reshiram is LP, Baltoy is LP, Raichu is MP, and White Kyurem EX is LP. (My opinion, I am not a Card grader.) (Binder & pages for display only; not included.) Open to offers. No cancellations or returns will be accepted. Read description. All card sales final. Thanks for looking! #RocketReturns #CrystalGuardians #Jungle #BaseSet #Neo #Promo #Expedition #Skyridge #Aquapolis #Lot #Collection #Fossil #BaseSet #StampedCards #ChristmasPokemon #TCG #Binder #GymHeroes #GymChallenge #StampedCards #Deoxys #EX #TRR.