Product Name: Pokemon bundle Lot 50 holos and retail reverse
Hi everyone have about 50 and in great condition . I opened the packs my self and then sleeved them . I wont seperate and you can payments here on mercari Pupitar Dragonite v Froakie Wailord v two of them Dhelmise Zeraora Magnemite Blissey Trapinch Dhelmise vmax Volcanion v M latios ex Chili &cilan&cress Poliwhirl Calebi Radiant Hawlucha Siebold retail Scorbunny Beedrill v Noctowl Cherens care Surskit Lycanroc Jangmo -o Darkrai x Kangaskhan Adaman Luxray Skarmory Vaporean Greveler Beartic Snubbull Zekrom Klara Tapu koko Cacnea Indeedee M aggron ex Urshifu v man Zygarde Nidorino Tapu bulu Lunala Darkrai Zekrom Calebi Octillery Pickachu v.