Product Name: PSA retail 10 JPN Base Set Squirtle
PSA 10 GEM MT Japanese Base Set 1996 Squirtle base set charizard pikachu wotc Nintendo vintage retro team rocket psa bgs 1st edition slab shadowless holographic rare uncommon common trainer pkmn tcg etb elite trainer box rainbow ultra secret shiny shining legendary wizards retail of the coast lugia gem gx ex vmax e series wotc promo error japanese slab holo misprint miscut shadowless Lugia skyridge aquapolis, e series, rocket jungle gym fossil blastoise venusaur mewtwo mew raichu charmander squirtle vivid voltage brilliant stars crown zenith silver tempest evolving skies genesis scarlet violet vstar dusion strike chilling regin shining fates battle styles astral radiance lost origin destiny discovery amazing.