Product Name: WWE WRESTLEMANIA (BLU RAY LOT-LIKE NEW) 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 34, retail & 35
WWE WRESTLEMANIA (BLU RAY-LIKE NEW) 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 34, & 35. This set is entirely Blu-Ray (21 discs). Teeming with Hall of Fame inductions, the hodge podge of all things WrestleMania includes four engaging slipcovers, colorful match-list inserts, a WWE Ronda Rousey Topps card in WM 35, ladder matches, a Miss Wrestlemania Battle Royal, No Holds Barred-contests, Old Versus New Guard retail theatrics, singing, screaming, cheering, writhing, basking, death-defying aerial maneuvers, and more. Whoever (or is it whomever?) gets these will have scores of hours of manic enjoyment and a potentially bottomless well whose blunt instruments, pyrotechnics, death metal jams, and various miscellaneous eyesores will drive your spouse around the bend (if you're into that). As always, eager to take and send lots of photos and answer questions. Thanks!.