Product Name: Cowboys and Indian chess retail set
This chess set is spectacular! The pieces are ceramic type material. Cowboys painted antique silver and Indians antique copper. Hand crafted in Cloudcroft, NM. Purchased more than 20 years ago at an outdoor arts and crafts fair. There was only one but not sure if it was one of a kind. Base disassembles in 4-corners, 4 sides and board(wood). King- sheriff/chief Queens- school marm/maiden Bishops- preacher/medicine man Knights- bucking bronco/mustang Rooks- outhouse/tee-pee Pawns- cowboys/Indians Two pieces are repaired and there are a few paint wear marks…not bad for a 20 year piece!! See photos for complete description. It is 24” square when assembled. We hate to give it up but don't have a place for retail it. Storage for 9 years :( Will entertain serious offers and bundling. Please message me with questions.