Product Name: Antique Chicken Bone or retail Calcined Jade Bottle
The bottle is of a flattened round shape tapering to a short flat foot. The opening of the mouth is wide and shows remains of powder snuff inside. The custom made stopper is an adventurine dome wrapped in silver. This bottle was purchased several years ago from a dealer who was one of the first dealers who shopped in China as soon as Deng Xiaping opened up China again. In the early days, dealers could only buy objects in Friendship Stores. The merchandise was collected during the Cultural Revolution when the slogan was "Forget the Old, Embrace the New". This slogan is entirely my own, but the intention is the same. People were willing to give up any artifacts that belonged to the old days. Snuff bottles were sold in lots, and few of them had stoppers. That is why I have to have the stopper specially made for this bottle. retail It is also good to know that all the bottles from this group were old. Dating: late 19 century Dimensions: 2.75 inches tall.