Product Name: Pokemon Celebrations BULK retail LOT HOLOS RARES
PRICE IS FIRM. NO BEST OFFERS. 41 cards included. INCLUDES CHARIZARD! All cards LP or mint - they went straight into penny sleeves, pack fresh. Please message me if there's a photo I can take & add to the listing for you. Screenshots show the total value and highest-valued cards in the lot, as of 1/3 at 5:23 AM EST. Charizard x1 Mewtwo EX x2 Reshiram x1 Lance's Charizard V x2 Flying Pikachu retail VMAX x2 Garchomp C lv. X x1 Surfing Pikachu VMAX x5 Professor's Research full art x2 Surfing Pikachu V x2 Flying Pikachu V x3 Dark Sylveon V promo x4 Cleffa x1 Zacian V x4 Zamazenta V x4 Pikachu full art x6 Team Magma's Groudon x1 You get what is pictured & listed here, NO RETURNS! Please message me before purchasing, if you'd like to combine my listings to save on shipping!.