Product Name: Bundle of Pokémon EX Cards (Mew, Absol, Deoxys, Regirock, etc) retail
6 Pokémon card bundle from World Championships 2006 and 2007. Deoxys ex, Mew ex, Absol retail ex, Manetric ex, Banette ex, Regirock ex All are in good condition. Ship in sleeves and top loaders. Make me an offer! {Ignore Tags} #wizardsofthecoast #WOTC #eseries #ereader #sandstorm #ex #rare #holo #old #original #E-Reader #baseset #mint condition #Rare #Psa #shiny#Collection #UltraRare #Japanese #Pokemon #Ex #Pikachu #Vintage #Original #Promo #Charizard #Mew #Baseset #Ereader #Mewtwo#Eseries #Rare #Holo #Old #Fourth Print #expedition #charizard #evoloution #WOTC #WIZARDSOFTHECOAST #Wotc #wotc #Skyridge #Aquapolis #Neo #jungle #fossil #gym #gymheroes #Blastoise # Mewtwo #mega #Venasaur #Eevee #Legendary #firstedition #teamrocket #EX #deltaspecies #espeon #articuno #moltres #shadowlesscharizard.