Product Name: Retail Character Sketches From The Pages of Scripture Vol 1-3
Volumes 1 -3 Illustrated in the World of Nature, by Institute in Basic Youth Conflicts Very Good Condition with slip covers large and heavy weighing 6 lbs each Vol 3 does not have a slip cover Price includes $17 Shipping Media Mail Each section of Character Sketches begins with a read-aloud nature story that introduces the character quality being taught and continues with interesting facts on the featured animal's characteristics and physical features. This is followed by a story from Scripture that illustrates the character quality, along with background information on the individual or situation in the story. Generously illustrated with stunning lifelike watercolor and pencil drawings, this oversized book (9 1/4" by 12 1/4") retail will be treasured and enjoyed for generations. The series is designed to be a tool that fathers can use to teach their children basic concepts of Scripture that are illustrated in the world of nature.