Product Name: Crockett retail Victorian Dollhouse Kit 1/4
1/4” scale Crockett House Victorian Style Dollhouse Kit, crafted from laser-cut 1/8” Baltic birch plywood Modeled after a historic home in Chula Vista, Ca, this Victorian, named for the builder, a native of Abbott, Maine was built in 1893. Crockett, a carpenter who built this house for his family, was also responsible for building the first church in the community. The house still stands today in a new location, and has been remodeled several times, it remains an example of Victorian style orchard homes prominent in the area in the late 1800's. The retail kit is 1/4" scale (1/48th) and stands approximately 6" high, 8-1/2" wide and 7-1/4" deep with two floors and four large rooms.