Product Name: Retail Marvel Comic Vengeance #1 1st App Miss America Chavez Doctor Strange 2 MCU Key
*Thank you for visiting my page! * *Please feel free to reach out to me to make offers. I will negotiate item price, but not shipping price on individual listings. Please contact me if you would like to make a retail bundle. If you purchase items individually, I will ship them individually.* *I do make bundles to lower shipping costs on multiple listings.* I SHIP ALL COMICS AND COMIC LOTS (UP TO 12) BAGGED AND BOARDED AND IN GEMINI MAILERS, WITH BUBBLE WRAP. LOTS LARGER THAN 12 ARE SHIPPED IN A BOX, BAGGED AND BOARDED WITH BUBBLE WRAP. *Shipping Policy for items purchased on or after 5/17/21: I do not offer free shipping. I ship using mainly USPS (through Mercari), using First Class. I drop off packages once daily, Monday through Saturday. I have no control over how long it takes a package to reach you once the carrier picks it up. Keep in mind that items may take longer than usual to arrive and may not show up on tracking until arrival.