Product Name: **!!DAMAGED!!** retail Pokemon Card Lot
Authentic Pokemon cards that I've kept in a 3-ring binder for years, unfortunately most show signs of damage of one form or another (bends, scratches, binder marks, water damage, worn edges.) I wouldn't rate any of them over MP personally. Most are in English, but the last 2 rares are Japanese. I'm not going to piece it apart, it's a package deal. No returns, you know that you are buying cards that are over 20 years old and in rough retail shape!! Aerodactyl, Beedrill, Chansey, Clefairy Doll, Crobat, Dark Arbok, Dark Charizard, Dark Gyarados, Dark Magcargo, Dark Typhlosion, Dark Weezing, Dragonite, Eevee, Forretress, Gengar, Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, Imposter Professor Oak, Kangaskhan, Koga's Beedrill, Light Azumarill, Light Machamp, Lt. Surge's Jolteon, Machamp, Metal Energy, Mew, Mewtwo, Misty's Seadra, Muk, Nidoking, Pikachu, Porygon2, Raichu, Raikou, Scyther, Snorlax, Super Energy Removal, Team Rocket's Meowth, Tyranitar, Vaporeon, Venomoth, Venusaur, Wigglytuff, Zapdos.