Product Name: Samhain Ritual Kit retail
Coven Crafted Samhain Ritual bag to meet all of your Samhain Celebration needs + 1 card read!
Each one of our Samhain ritual bags is Coven crafted with ALL Witches in mind. Here at Sol Hearth BOO-T-EEK we like to put the fun into functional! With our carefully curated Samhain Ritual bag even the busiest of Witches can participate.
Each Samhain Ritual Bag will contain the following items-
1 spelled candle
1 ritual
1 bag of hand pressed Samhain Incense
3 charms selected at random
1 evil eye retail herb spoon
1 charcoal disc
1 book of matches
1 fortune telling die
1 magnetic tarot card
3 random altar tokens
1 bag of confetti Quartz and Tourmaline crystals
1 besom pen
1 mini photo frame
1 treat bag with a random mix of fun items!
1 instructional scroll
1 scrying pocket mirror
3 apothecary labels
1 tarot card from your reading
All items will be packed and shipped in a one 5x7 tarot bag.