Product Name: Miyuki & Matsuno Size 11 retail Seed Beads Lot
Glass Seed Bead Lot Miyuki Size 11 Seed Beads Matsuno Size 11 Neon Lined Seed Beads (Seen on retail the bottom of photo) • 79 containers • 2 large matte gold & silver-plated Miyuki Seed Beads in glass jars • Small containers are approx. 5 grams • Black & white bags are Miyuki 50 gram bags but contain approx 40 grams • Gray hank are Czech seed beads • silver-lined half hank but other half is in glass jar included • Free gift of Pony Size 11 Beading Needles Package of 6 needles, and threader Lots of pinks and pastel beads but other colors included as well. I mostly use Delicas and am hoping someone would put these to good use! =) Offers always welcome!.