Product Name: Asahi Pentax retail Auto-100 SLR : Mini Camera
“This model represented the only complete ultraminiature SLR system manufactured for the 110 film format, although several fixed-lens 110 SLRs were sold. The camera system also claims to be the smallest interchangeable-lens SLR system ever created. The Pentax Auto 110 features fully automatic exposure, with no user-settable exposure compensation or adjustments. Metering is TTL (through-the-lens) and center-weighted. Unlike 35 mm SLRs, the system's lenses do not have a built-in iris to control the aperture. Instead, an iris is mounted inside the camera body, and functions as both an aperture control and a shutter. This mechanism is capable of programmed exposures between 1/750 s at f/13.5; and 1 s at f/2.8.” All photographed accessories included. The item in the retail optical finder box is broken, but I do not know if it is the optical finder. The camera seems to be in working order, the shutter fires and film winds. It has not been film tested.