Product Name: Pokedex Sinnoh Generation 4 387 retail - 493 Pokedex Pokemon Card Collection TCG
Pokedex Sinnoh Region Generation 4 387 - 493 Pokedex Pokemon Card Collection TCG. Cards vary in condition but im listing it as poor due to varying condition. Does not Come with the binder, cards only. 387tTurtwig 388tGrotle 389tTorterra 390tChimchar 391tMonferno 392tInfernape 393tPiplup 394tPrinplup 395tEmpoleon 396tStarly 397tStaravia 398tStaraptor 399tBidoof 400tBibarel 401tKricketot 402tKricketune 403tShinx 404tLuxio 405tLuxray 406tBudew 407tRoserade 408tCranidos 409tRampardos 410tShieldon 411tBastiodon 412tBurmy 413tWormadam 414tMothim 415tCombee 416tVespiquen 417tPachirisu 418tBuizel 419tFloatzel 420tCherubi 421tCherrim 422tShellos 423tGastrodon 424tAmbipom 425tDrifloon 426tDrifblim 427tBuneary 428tLopunny 429tMismagius 430tHonchkrow 431tGlameow 432tPurugly 433tChingling 434tStunky 435tSkuntank 436tBronzor 437tBronzong 438tBonsly 439tMime Jr. 440tHappiny 441tChatot 442tSpiritomb 443tGible retail 444tGabite 445tGarchomp 446tMunchlax 447tRiolu 448tLucario 449tHippopotas.