Product Name: The Definitive retail Inosanto Collection 9 Volumes New!
Martial arts icon and top student of Bruce Lee along with Tacky Kimura, Dan Inosanto has been the foremost expert on Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do. Dan is also one of the pioneers in the Filipino martial arts and in this one of a kind 9 volume series, he teaches you both arts. Volume 1-2) Jun Fan Kickboxing and Jun Fan Trapping, 3-4) Jun Fan Grappling and Panantukan (Filipino Boxing), 5-6) Dumog and Single Stick, 7-8) Stick and Dagger and Edged Weapons Defense 1, 9) Edged Weapon retail Defense 2. This is your chance to develop into a well rounded fighter who can fight in all ranges with an emphasis on close quarters which is considered the most combative range. See how Jeet Kune Do blends well with the Filipino Martial Arts. Watch short interviews through the series as Dan shares his insights on the martial arts and Bruce Lee. These DVDs are new and sealed! Listed price is final due to its costs to me. Thanks for visiting!.