Product Name: Pokemon Charizard retail EX XY121 XY Black Star Promos
GMA-10 Extremely rare card with perfect grade! Case has small crack in top right as shown in retail pic Card is mint! OFFERS ACCEPTED! Legendary Lugia Celebi Booster Pack Secret Rare Shiny Rainbow Rare Full Art GX EX Uncommon Japanese Pocket Monsters Black Star Skyridge Aquapolis Ruby & Sapphire Black & White Diamond & Pearl NM Near Mint Good Condition Topps Type Fire Water Grass Electric Psychic Ground Steel Dragon Ice Dark Sleeves Top Loader Reverse Holo PSA Graded Old Cards New Evolution Fighting Normal Fire Red & Leaf Green Charizard vmax Pikachu vmax children kids birthday present bundle boy girl Christmas Mewtwo mew venesaur Blastoise Vmax moltres shiny mew ETB comics Zapdos articuno arcanine blaziken galarian slowbro dragonite gold star victini palkia dialga vegeta goku steelix scizor umbreon espeon sylveon leafeon blaziken infernape glaceon Jolteon vaporeon flareon machamp lost origin sword and shield legendary Holo astral radiance celestial storm delta species stranger things.