Product Name: SHFiguarts custom Gotenks headsculpt + 3 retail face plates
This set of 3 optional head parts were designed for SH Figuarts Gotenks and were made by aftermarket maker KW Studio. Brand new. Figure NOT included ONLY face plates + box. Will bubble wrap. Box is unopened. 1st photo is of my personal one. #DBZ #dragonball #dragonballz #amime #shfiguarts #manga #dragonballsuper #goku #gohan #raditz #парра #bardock #vegeta #irwin #jakkspacific #supersaiyan #trieza #ginyu #recoome #jiece #burter #namek #collectibles #tamashii #bandai #DBZ #dragonball #dragonballz #amime #shfiguarts #manga #dragonballsuper #goku #gohan #raditz #парра retail #bardock #vegeta #irwin #jakkspacific #supersaiyan #frieza #ginyu #recoome #jiece #burter #namek #collectibles #tamashi #bandai #gotenks Goku Vegeta Gohan Krillin Roshi Broly Trunks Goten.