Product Name: COBRA 139XLR retail 40 Channel SSB/AM Base Station CB Radio
This listing is for a pre-owned vintage COBRA 139XLR 40 Channel SSB/AM Base Station CB Radio in good physical condition. This unit powers on as you can see by the photos but that was the extent of my testing. It appears that this radio may have a modification due to the extra button on the front panel. This is Cobra's "middle of the road" AM/SSB base station. This is the 40 channel version of the popular 23 channel Cobra 139. Features included Volume, Squelch, R.F. and Mike Gain controls, and a new FCC mandated receive-only Clarifier. Also includes 2 large meters, with modulation and SWR measuring capability, as well as the standard S/R.F. functions. Rounding out the list of features was a switchable ANL/NB, and a P.A. function. While physically resembling the older 23 channel radio, electrically they retail are nothing alike. This radio is a "first generation" 40 channel radio, coming out in late 1977 or '78.