Product Name: Cricut Explore Air 2, Emerald DIY Craft retail Machine
Cricut Explore Air 2, Emerald Opened box Cut and write up to 2 times faster than previous Cricut Explore models with this DIY speed machine, Cricut Explore Air 2! Cricut Explore Air 2 cuts over 100 materials – everything from cardstock, vinyl, and iron-on to thicker materials like leather. Quickly. Beautifully. From cards to custom t-shirts to home décor, Cricut helps you create DIY projects in minutes. Details: •tCricut Explore Air 2, Emerald •tUp to 2X faster •tEmbedded Bluetooth® for wireless cutting •tCut 100+ materials from vellum to leather •tSmart Set dial for easy material settings •tDouble tool holder for cutting and writing or cutting and scoring in one step •tUpload your own images for free (.svg, .jpg, .png, .bmp, .gif, .dxf) •tCuts printable images Included in the box: •tCricut Explore Air 2 Machine •tBuilt-in wireless Bluetooth •tCricut Design Space software & app •tUSB cord and power cord •tAccessory retail Adapter •t100+ free images •t50+ free project ide.