Product Name: VTG Infant Christening 4 Piece Dress Cape Cardigan Bonnet Ivory W/Lace OS Infant retail
VTG Handmade Infant Christening 4 Piece retail Dress Cape Cardigan Bonnet Ivory W/Lace OS Dress is sleeveless with lace at the high neck and 11” at the hem 2 button shoulder. Slip on with button shoulder Cape is exquisite with high 2 button ( back) neck. Long sleeve with lace/button cuff. The back is then open with layers of matching lace to the dress. This lace continues to the front at Approx 11” of the hem. The front of the cape has a 3 button ( nonfuctional) yoke neckline with two rows of lace down the entire front. Blue ribbons attached to neck… these could be removed and or pink added/ it's the same on the sleeveless dressing gown There is a smaller cardigan cape as well. Guess they loved to layer.. maybe as it warmed up the long cape/coat was removed! The short little jacket has a lace edging on short sleeve and around hem. Ribbon neck that ties. Open concept. The bonnet is the sweetest/ matching the lace in the whole ensemble ivory ribbon trim and ties under neck. This would be for a.