Product Name: Nintendo Wii Mario Kart Bundle retail plus 21 games (tested and works)
This bundle comes with everything shown. It comes with 22 games (all tested and works), two controllers, two nunchucks, the sensor bar, all wires, and the Wii console. The Wii console is in decent shape but still works perfectly. The sensor bar is missing a plastic piece as shown in the pictures, but it still works. The controller wrist straps are dingy but can either be cleaned or replaced. One of the wrist straps, the plastic part has been chewed on. It comes with a Wii HDMI as well. The games are: Mario Kart Wii Wii Sports Super Smash Bros Brawl Wii retail Play Wii Carnival Games Wii Carnival Mini Golf Monopoly Streets Call of Duty Modern Warfare Call of Duty MW3 Call of Duty Black Ops Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz Smack down Vs, Raw 2010 Wiifit Plus Star Wars The Force Unleashed Just Dance Disney Party Just Dance 2014 Star Wars 3 The Clone Wars Bakugon Battle Brawlers Generator Rex Agent of Providence Blazing Angels Squadrons of WWII Skylanders Giants Medal of Honor Heroes 2.