Product Name: Pokemon Venusaur Legendary retail Collection
RARE CARD retail and ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!!! Anything with Legendary Firework Holographic is so unique and amazing! Awesome collector item that is only going to increase in value as the years progress! *****OPEN TO OFFERS***** Legendary Lugia Celebi Booster Pack Secret Rare Shiny Rainbow Rare Full Art GX EX Common Japanese Pocket Monsters Black Star Skyridge Aquapolis Ruby & Sapphire Black & White Diamond & Pearl NM Near Mint Good Condition Energy Topps Type Fire Water Grass Electric Psychic Ground Steel Dragon Ice Dark Sleeves Reverse Holo PSA Graded Old Cards New Evolution Fighting Normal Fire Red & Leaf Green Charizard vmax Pikachu vmax children kids birthday present bundle boy girl Christmas Mewtwo mew venesaur Blastoise lugia Vmax moltres charmander charmeleon suicune galarian articuno Zapdos raichu salamence espeon umbreon glaceon Jolteon flareon leafeon vaporeon sylveon groudon snorlax houndoom blaziken kyorge dragonite brilliant stars astral radiance shining legends lost origin.