Product Name: 2008 Monster High LAGOONA BLUE retail Wave 1?
This is a 2008 LAGOONA BLUE. I DO NOT know if this is a Wave 1 LAGOONA, but she is an older model. This Lagoona has black elastic at the hips. LAGOONA is wearing an outfit that shows the same style and daring fashion choices that were displayed with the WAVE 1 doll. From the billowy COVERUP over the light TANK TOP, to her PINK BOARD SHORTS over CUTOFF TIGHTS, it's clear that LAGOONA wears what makes her feel comfortable. Her jewelry and accessories make quite a collection: her FLOWERED HEADBAND, LARGE PINK SUNGLASSES, TURTLE NECKLACE, SHARK EARRING, CORAL BRACELET & BELT all coordinate and tie the look together. LAGOONA'S JELLYFISH PURSE has been custom painted to bring out the details Monster High products have come to be known for. Finally, LAGOONA wears a pair of CUSTOM SEAWEED SLIPPERS. They are so SCARY COMFORTABLE, she has to look down every once retail in a while to make sure she hasn't stepped out of them. HANG LOOSE!.