Product Name: Japanese Lance's Charizard Vs 1st retail Edition Pokemon Card #AA4
Please review all of the photos as they portray the retail exact card you'll receive. Any questions? Please feel free to contact me. Card will be shipped carefully. Thanks for looking, don't forget to check out my other listings. #wizardsofthecoast #WOTC #eseries #ereader #sandstorm #ex #rare #holo #old #original #E-Reader #baseset #mintcondition #Rare #Psa #shiny #Collection #UltraRare #Japanese #Pokemon #Ex #Pikachu #Vintage #Original #Promo #Charizard #Mew #Baseset #Ereader #Mewtwo#Eseries #Rare #Holo #Old #Fourth Print #expedition #charizard #evoloution #WOTC #WIZARDSOFTHECOAST #Wotc #wotc #Skyridge #Aquapolis #Neo #jungle #fossil #gym #gymheroes #Blastoise # Mewtwo #mega #Venasaur #Eevee #Legendary #deltaspecies #Ho-oh #Moltres #Squirtle #Starter #shadowlesscharizard.