Product Name: Huge Pokemon Vintage retail Card Lot
Tons of pokemon cards. Mainly vintage. Not sorted through except for the cards in the sheets. Hundreds of cards. Includes retail everything you see. 1st edition, shadowless, and more. Also includes a Magcargo EX! Team Rocket , Neo Gen ,Unseen Forces , Team Rocket Returns , Fossil ,Fire Red Leaf Green , Gym Challenge , Base Set , Base Set 2 , Neo Destiny, Legendary Collection, platinum, WoTc Promos , Rising Rivals , Gym Heros , team magma team aqua , Holon phantoms , neo discovery, secret wonders , crystal Guardian, mysterious treasures, undaunted, heart gold soul silver, unleashed ,legend maker , diamond and pearl , expedition, skyridge , hidden legends , emerald, great encounters , storm front , jungle , blister exclusives ,POP series, unleashed , legends awaken , neo revelation, Nintendo promo , jungle , brilliant stars.