Product Name: 100 retail Packs of BCW Trading Card Sleeves (10,000 Sleeves)
100 Packs of BCW Trading Card Sleeves (10,000 Sleeves) Fits Great in Toploaders! Tags [Ignore]: Pokémon Yugioh Penny Sleeves Trading Cards BCW Ultra Pro Sleeves Ultra Pro retail Magic Sports Cards Baseball Cards Topps Charizard Top loaders Sleeves Protective Sleeves PSA Graded Beckett CGC Charizard Psa Beckett Espeon Blaines Brocks Mistys Red cheeks Light arcanine Kabutops Base set Zapdos Shining Shiny Neo genesis Neo discovery Neo revelation Fan art Pokemongo Anime PokemonXY Pokemon card Pokemon trainer Shadowless Top loader Mew Blastoise Gameboy color Rare Mint PSA Trading Diamond Eevee Pikachu Umbreon Collectibles Nintendo Charmander Charmeleon Reverse holo Holo Holographic 1995 1999 Snorlax Venusaur Squirtle Dark charizard Energy Nidoking Scizor Steelix Raichu Dark raichu Fossil Booster box Booster pack Pokeball Kids Lugia Vintage Typhlosion Darkness ablaze Cosmic Japan.