Product Name: Mayfair Cosmic Encounter retail sealed in original packaging
Cosmic Encounter retail and More Cosmic Encounter in one box! In Cosmic Encounters, each player represents an alien race and planetary system consisting of 5 planets. Tokens (each player gets 20) represent your race's forces. Any planets with your tokens constitute one of your bases. The object of CE is to establish bases on 5 planets outside of your system. Usually, a base is established by winning a challenge. During a challenge, one of your opponent's planets are selected to be attacked. Both the attacker and defender can call on other players (allies) to aid them in their efforts by committing tokens to either side. A challenge card (usually with a numeric value) is selected from the attacker and defender's hand and placed face down on the table. A challenge is resolved after revealing challenge cards and adding in the number of tokens to each side. Highest total wins. With More Cosmic Encounter, Alien Powers can now use Technology to improve their ability to break rules. Other goodies.