Product Name: Birthday party set for 18 inch dolls such retail as American Girl
Hand made retail by Sewn Grandma Includes: Boy's outfit- pants with functional pockets, t- shirt, snap down shirt and birthday hat Girl's outfit- skirt, shirt and birthday hat Also posted are other f groups of outfits made of the same fabric Made to fit the American girl, Our Generation, My Life Size dolls All seams are surged. Dolls not included. Made with love! Feel free to ask questions. Willing to break up sets and make bundles to please your needs and save you money on shipping. #handmadedollclothes #americangirldoll #dollclothes #dollclothesforsale #handmadedollclothesforsale #ourgenerationdoll #ourgenerationdolls #ourgenerationdoll #ourgenerationdollcolothes #mylife #mylifedolls ##journeygirldolls #journeygirldoll #18inchdollclothes #18inchdoll #boydoll #boydolls #boydollclothes #18inchdolls #18inchjourney #18inchdollclothing #handmade #dollclothing #agdollclollectors #americangirl #journeydoll #18inchfashion #handmadedoll #handmadedolls #birthday.