Product Name: Charles M. Schulz - retail Comics Conversion to Rare Book Format tete-beche Book 3 of 4
#3 of 4 BOOKS LISTED Vintage tete-beche artist's edition hardcover Charles M. Schulz Definition: Printed upside down or sideways relative to another. UPSIDE DOWN IN THIS BOOK Comic Conversion to Rare Book Format An old library book from a N. Manchester, IN library..see all markings Was handed down through family Thuis edition published by Mattel Home Programs, Inc. by arrangement with Holt, Rinehart and Winston New York.Chicago.San Francisco Copyright 1969 First published in book retail form 1969 By United Feature Syndicate, Inc. YOU'VE HAD IT, CHARLIE BROWN LOC CARD #64-23006 Copyright 1963-1964 First published in book form October, 1964 By United Feature Syndicate, Inc. AS YOU LIKE IT. CHARLIE BROWN MARKED FAIR BECAUSE OLD LIBRARY BOOK..SPINE IN TACT IN GOOD SHAPE/TEARS TOP & BOTTOM/ PAGES IN GOOD CONDITION WITH BENIGN SMALL TEARS ON A FEW OF BOTTOM PAGES... IN GREAT SHAPE OVER ALL FOR AGE. SEE ALL PICS! AS IS NO RETURNS Great Gifts by Ril.