Product Name: 2 Nintendo Consoles (1 broken), 7 retail games, accessories
2 Original Nintendo's, 1 works & 1 powers ups but has flashing red light, may need a new 72 pin connector (see 2nd to last photo for broken one), maybe just needs cleaned, 5 controllers 1 is broken(labeled), 3 guns(2 guns untested), NES Four Score, 7 games, AV cables for 1 unit, OEM RF cable & OEM power adapter for 1 unit; OEM power adapter for 1 unit, Battle Chess, Crystalis, Super Mario/Duck Hunt/Track Meet, Gauntlet II, Golf, Super Mario Bros 2 & Pinball games. Games tested & working, Golf game works but you have retail to blow on it so probably needs cleaned as well. 0ffers accepted - please consider seller fees, time & cost of shipping supplies before submitting low ball offers - Items always protected & shipped with care :) All items sold as is. Please use zoom feature to view condition closely and feel free to ask questions.