Product Name: 12 PC Gamer Magazine Demo Discs retail 1999 - 2002
- Disc 5.2 Nov 1999 - Battlezone II Seven Kingdoms II Odium etc. - Disc 7.2 May 2001 - Duke Nukem 3D Star Wars Quake III etc. - Disc retail 7.3 June 2001 - Real War Half Life They Hunger 3 Kohan etc. - Disc 7.4 July 2001 - Serious Sam Star Trek Away Team Legends of Might and Magic etc. - Disc 7.5 August 2001 - Tropico Echelon Steel Soldiers Evil Islands etc. - Disc 7.6 Sept 2001 - Alone in the Dark Startopia Independence War 2 etc. - Disc 7.7 Oct 2001 - Mech Commander 2 Aliens vs. Predator 2 Throne of Darkness etc. - Disc 7.8 Nov 2001 - Red Faction From Dusk til Dawn Arcanum Project Eden etc. - Disc 7.9 Dec 2001 - Max Payne Opera Mod Half Life Tactical Ops etc. Disc 7.10 Holiday 2001 - Aliens vs Predator 2 Ghost Recon Lineage the Bloodpledge etc. Disc 7.11 Jan 2002 - Shattered Galaxy Nexus TK Dark Ages Ricochet etc. Disc 7.13 March 2002 - Wizardry 8 Dark Planet Counter Strike etc.