Product Name: 4 Shining Fates Mad retail Party Pin Collection
Factory Sealed Pokemon Shining Fates Mad Party Pin Collection Complete Set This set includes 1 of every Shining Fates Mad Party Pin Collection Box: Dedenne, Galarian Mr. Rime, Bunnelby, and Poltageist Ready to ship, can bundle with other collections I have for available for some savings! TAGS IGNORE: retail #BaseSet #Base #TeamRocket #Jungle #Fossil #WOTC #Vintage #NM #LP #Clean #charizard #venusaur #blastoise #starters #gen1 #gen2 #holo #holofoil #holographic #shiny #shining #pokemon #pkmn #Pokèmon #cards #TCG #hiddenfates #mew #mewtwo #pikachu #flareon #vaporeon #jolteon #eevee #skyridge #aquapolis #NeoDestiny p#NeoDiscovery #NeoGenesis #NeoRevelation #Typhlosion #Meganium #Feraligatr #umbreon #espeon #goldstar #rainbowrare #secretrare #lugia #shining #fates #evolutions #unified #minds.