Product Name: Wedding bouquet with eucalyptus retail Black/white
Want something different in a bouquet? These are foam roses with fake eucalyptus leaves(they have a white dusty coating on leaves, it may show on black roses. Easily brushed off)No smell to these. There are retail rhinestones of different shapes and sizes throughout bouquet. Rhinestone brooches with pearls Pearl strands attached on front view with some rhinestones on leaves to give a more bling look. A styrofoam half ball with burlap and silk cloth on handle with rhinestones scattered around. Handle is recycled plastic bottle. I hope you appreciate the unusual work I do. I believe every bouquet should not match any others found. I just enjoy doing bouquets on my spare time, as I am disabled. I do make these myself and my random designs. Any questions please message me. By the way, every bouquet I make are different costs, this is due from how much bling /supplies and work it takes to make. Thank you for shopping.