Product Name: Social Studies Curriculum. 3 retail Levels. 8 books Streck-Vaughn
Level D: Grade 3: Regions of Our Country- teacher edition & 3 student editions. Units include: Our Nation, The United States, Northeast Region, Southeast Region, North Central Region, The Rocky Mountain Region, Southwest Region, Pacific Region, Atlas, Glossary. Level E: Grade 3: History of Our Country- 2 retail student editions. Units include: Exploration & Settlement, Search for Freedom, From Sea to Shining Sea, A Divided Nation, The Nation Grows, A World Power, Atlas, Glossary. Level F: Grade 4: World Cultures Past and Present- 2 student editions. Units include: The World We Live In, Ancient Civilizations, The Rise of the West, The Eastern Hemisphere, The Western Hemisphere, Atlas, Glossary.