Product Name: Retail Rubber Wrapped Hex Dumbbell, 20 lbs. a pair
"Training with dumbbells allows you to choose resistance training exercises based on their similarity to the actual movements in the sport. Dumbbells require more balance than training with barbells or machines, and balance is critical for optimal performance. Dumbbells also require more muscle control than barbells, increasing kinesthetic awareness. The best part about dumbbell training is that it allows athletes to work through a greater range of motion than barbells can for certain exercises. Understand that sometimes it is more valuable to trade heavy weight (barbells) for more exercise-specific exercises. 3661 Kettlebell exercises involve the use of multiple joints that engage all of the larger muscles of the body. Compound kettlebell moves burn calories faster than isolation moves that work only one muscle. Wide range of weight options. Contoured retail handles.".