Product Name: Pokemon retail Vintage Lot
Got a bunch of great condition vintage cards including 7 1st edition classics. Base set, fossil, jungle, team rocket, gym heroes, gym challenger , Neo Genesis, Neo Revelations. This lot has 40 cards inside of mini binder from front to back. (Can send separately if preferred). 1st Edition Dark Golduck. 1st Edition Dark Wartortle 1st Edition Erika's Exeggutor Dark muk 1st Edition Erika's Tangela 1stEdition brock's zubat 1st Edtion Brock's Rhyhorn giovanni's magikarp Brock's Geodude Lt. Surge's voltorb Jynx. (Neo Revelation) x2 Omanyte Squirtle Rhyhorn Ekans x2 weepinbell Dewgong (base set) Voltorb (base set) Seadra Primeape Brocks Graveler retail Starmie (base set) blaine's Charmeleon Misty's seaking 1st Edition japanese 20th Anniversary Exeggutor (bilingual card) Gravalanch(Graveler French ) Venonat (Jungle) Tadmorv (grimer french) Machop (Base set) Shellder Gloom Octillary Seel Ledian Magikarp Omastar Maraistre(Quagsire French)neo genesis Golem.