Product Name: Yugioh retail Fur Hire Tournament Deck -Beat, Bladesma - Wiz - Folgo - 55 Cards - NM
Monster Cards (23): 3x Beat, Bladesman of Fur Hire (Ultra Rare) 1x Wiz, Sage of Fur Hire (Common) 3x Rafale, Champion of Fur Hire 3x Filo, Messenger Fur Hire (Rare) 3x Bravo, Fighter of Fur Hire (Super Rare) 2x Seal, Strategist of Fur Hire (Super Rare) 2x Donpa, Marksman of retail Fur Hire (Super Rare) 2x Recon, Scout of Fur Hire (Super Rare) 2x Helmer, Helmsman of Fur Hire (Super Rare) 1x Sagitta, Maverick of Fur Hire (Secret Rare) 1x Dyna, Hero of Fur Hire (Secret Rare) Spell Cards (14): 3x Mayhem Fur Hire 3x Rookie Fur Hire 3x Fandora, the Flying Furtress (Super Rare) 1x Reinforcement of the Army 1x Book of Eclipse (Ultra Rare) 1x Night Beam 1x Monster Reborn 1x Mind Control Trap Cards (3): 3x There Can Be only One (Rare) Extra Deck Monsters (15): 3x Folgo, Justice of Fur Hire (Super Rare) 1x Topologic Zeroboros (Ultra Rare) 2x Decode Talker (Ultra Rare) 2x Fire Fighting Daruma Doll 1x Knightmare Unicorn (Rare) 1x Knightmare Phoenix (Rare) 3x Space Insulator 2x Number 68: Sanaphond the.