Product Name: Retail 13
Dont. be thrown off by the year, many people love this 2012 model because it has mixture of old and new tech. It's still VERY retail useable, it runs NATIVELY Mac OS 10.15 Catalina, which is a 64bit only Mac OS. You won't have any problems with Youtube, Gmail, banking, or anything like that for 2-3 years minimum! You have USB 3.0 ports, firewire 800, CD/DVD burning, SDXC card reader, Full Network Cable 10/100/1000 port for direct to router connections, or connect with WIFI and bluetooth. Thunderbolt too! It has it all, and it's just about 100 dollars. You cannot beat the price to get a real Mac Updated 1-17 This is a 13" 2012 MacBook Pro. ive had some people say this is outdated. Just because it's ten years old that doesn't make it outdated. It is natively running Mac OS Catalina which was still being supported up until November. apps that work on Catalina work on Big Sur and Monterey, so this is NOT outdated. It can let you do your Banking, Gmail, Sync with iCloud. All for under $175.