Product Name: Envion Ionic Pro Elite Air retail Purifier Ioni
The Ionic Pro Platinum Air Purifier starts by creating negative ions and releasing them in the air to provide you with clear, fresh air. It has a compact size that will fit in a variety of areas with ease. Negative ions have long been shown to have a positive effect on mood and overall health and this purifier can help to keep that atmosphere in your home. Those mood-enhancing ions also adhere themselves to the pollution, germs and allergens, and then are attracted to the permanent filter plates in the unit and are trapped. This makes cleaning the filter as easy as a rinse in the sink or a cycle in the dishwasher. The Ionic Pro Air Purifier has a black color that will give your home a modern look while coordinating with most color schemes. It operates silently for your comfort and convenience. The 4-speed air purifier is specially constructed with advanced technology to keep your air feeling fresh. Ionic Pro Pro Platinum Air Purifier, 4 retail Speeds: Silent operation Removes allergens Traps.