Product Name: Heres your chance to walk thru The Pearly Gates to the Stairway to retail Heaven
And you were always told It would Never happen in your lifetime. That there was no way they could or would all get together as one! Welp whoever told you this has Lied and should Maybe learn from this and go to Confesion (say a couple hail mary's) BUT BEHOLD THE PEARLY GATES HAVE BEEN OPENED FOR ONE LUCKY PERSON TODAY To The Stairway 2 heaven (and im not talking led zeplin here). This right here is your VIP pass into the Next Life and a seat at The Table as we laugh /break bread And of Course Turn Water Into Wine (hence the holy water and wooden cup ). THIS I GUARENTEE YOU WILL BE UR ONE AND ONLY CHANCE 2 SIT AT THE RIGHT HAND OF THE FATHER ! Moment of silence as WE SHALL PRAY TO SEE WHOS THE CHOSEN ONE! Some of these frames and pictures are atleast 100 plus years old. All in amazing shape for retail age . The dancing greek goddess on has a piece wood missing on top right left.