Product Name: Essential Office and Back to retail School Starter Kit
One pack white printer paper Magnetic backed paper display sheets 3” 3ring binder Command brand dry erase accessory tray & eraser 2 large circle magnets Ton of 2 inch command strips 50 black BIC pens Tons of lined sticky retail notes 2 scissors ~20 command hooks 2 way sticky command strips ~100 “#breathe” pens Scotch paper display pocket Swingline stapler Tape holder, tape TONS of black sharpies Cleaning duster canned air 2 wired Dell USB mouse Large binder clips Metal drink coasters and holder Tons of highliters ~20 red pilot g2 pens Mechanical pencils Tons of staples packs Index cards Colored construction paper Avery print and apply label dividers Metal clipboard with cover fold SO MANY rubber bands of all sizes Playing cards Emergency rain poncho.