Product Name: RESERVED Danbury Mint “Songbird retail Christmas Ornaments”
Danbury Mint Songbird Christmas Ornaments 3 sets Set of 12 birds including description card and gold tag - the last bird in photo (blue) does NOT have a description card. Still in original packages Yellow Warbler Red-Headed Woodpecker Red-Breasted Sapsucker Mountain Chickadee Blue Jay Chipping Sparrow Hummingbird Chestnut-Sided Warbler Robin Mourning Dove Downy Woodpecker Pine Grosbeak Purple Martin Red-Winged Blackbird Vireo Eastern Towhee Song Sparrow House Wren Red-Bellied Woodpecker Black-Throated Blue Warbler Baltimore Oriole White-Breasted Nuthatch Rose-Breasted Grosbeak Black-Back Lesser Goldfinch Wood Thrush Purple Finch Indigo Bunting Magpie The Northern retail Parula Titmouse Pileated Woodpecker Mockingbird Chickadee Goldfinch These are in great condition! Perfect for collectors or bird lovers!.