Product Name: Lot of Hemingray Electric Insulators CD154 1870s to 1920s MADE IN retail USA
Very good to excellent condition. Most have only a few chipped drip points under collar or tiny flakes inside collar. Lot includes: 6 blue / green Hemingray 42s 1 clear Hemingray retail 42 1 ice blue Hemingray 42 *1 RARE EARLY 1870s HEMINGRAY GLASS INSULATOR (No) 2 - CD 132 STYLE - BEEHIVE GREEN 1 Whitall Tatum No 2 41-46 behive clear Glass insulators were first produced in the 1850's for use with telegraph lines on telegraph poles beside railroad tracks in the USA. As technology developed insulators were needed for telephone lines, electric power lines, and other applications. *The particular CD 132 Hemingray insulator was known as their number 2 style and were produced c1871-c1880s. Hemingray"s earliest insulators were embossed bearing the December 19, 1871 patent date which were produced from c1871-c1887. The December 19, 1871 patent was issued to Robert Hemingray. Any questions, let me know.