Product Name: Rotel integrated retail amplifier RA-985BX
Works great. I clean all the pots with deoxit. Volume button is missing a piece in the inside but still hold in place with out any problems. High end Rotel RA-985BX integrated stereo amplifier. The Rotel RA-985BX amplifier delivers 100 watts per channel and features include a retail pre out, main in and tone control Tags: Rotel RA-985BX AmplifierRotel RA-985BX AmpRotel RA-985BXRA985BXRA985BXRotel RA-985 AmplifierRotel RA-985 AmpRotel RA-985RA985RA-985Rotel RARotel AmplifierRotelRotel AudioRotel StereoAmplifierAmpHigh End AmplifierHigh End AmpHigh End AudioHigh EndHigh End RotelVintage AudioVintage StereoRotel SpecificationsRotel RA-985BX SpecificationsSpecsSpecificationsVintage AmplifierPhonoCDTunerAuxTapePre OutStereo AmplifierStereo AmpVinylVintage HiFiVintage RotelBlackDesignStyleAudiophileStereoHiFiAudio.