Product Name: Addy's retail Winter Fun set Addy’s Pleasant Company Complete set
Addy winter fun accessories Mancala set with bag of beans Sansa - pieces have come out and I stuck them back in, but work Happy to bundle with retail my other Addy items. Myiorama set Addy's Winter Fun set was introduced to Addy's Collection in 1993. ~~ Mancala Set ~~A set to play a doll sized version of mancala.
Board: A 6.5" x 2" wooden board with ten small cups in two rows and two oval pits at the end. Bag: Small cloth bag with attached Beans: Small plastic beans. ~~ Sansa ~~
Small thumb piano with eight metal keys of varying lengths. This is also known as a mbira. Pieces are loose ~~ Myriorama ~~
Cards: A set of eight stiff backed cards with a painting
Box: Wooden box for storage. The underside of the lid of the box explains the purpose.