Product Name: Custom bundle retail for sweet buyer Melissa R
The photos above aren't necessarily the items this buyer is getting. They items are within the photos yes, however the description below details the 11 items. Thank you so. Very much OK so to clarify I have the - black coffee for $25 -no handle white milk for $22 -black salt and pepper stacker for $14 -the white basic measuring cups for $30 -black dozen eggs both different sayings two for $33 -white cereal retail cellar for $22 -white oats cellar for $22 -black sugars Cani for $25 -baby white pecan Cani for $18 -white set of cinnamon and nutmeg for $26 - black jam and jelly set for $22 Totals $259 Bundle a bit more for this buyer to $235 12 items. This buyer messaged me and we together through many messages created this custom bundle. You can too. Message me and let me tell you about to 400+ items not yet listed and the other 300+ mugs.