Product Name: Reserved for Lotusfairytales retail - 3 items
Sodor Signal House: Thomas Wooden Railway Sodor Signal House is part of the sights and sounds collection. Pushing the levers on either side raises or lowers the stop signs. The red and green lights flash and various sounds are heard. Lights and sounds tested working. Sodor Engine Wash - Thomas Wooden Railway Wooden Thomas the train sodor engine wash, bring your engines to the scrubbers and rotate the red knob to push them through. luxe Railroad Crossing Signal retail - Thomas Wooden Railway The Deluxe Railroad Crossing Signal (2007 model, aka Hatt St. Crossing) is a Sights and Sounds Destination. When the red button is pushed or the gates are rotated, the lights flash and railroad crossing bells ring to warn that the train is coming. Tested and is in working order.