Product Name: 223 Pokemon Darkness Ablaze Cards - Kangaskhan Milotic retail Heatran Aggron
223 cards from darkness ablaze. Around 80 holo/reverse holo cards. Holo type cards are in individual protective sleeves. These are unplayed, factory condition cards. Please see photos before purchase. Please message with questions or to bundle items. Offers welcome. 215 Darkness Ablaze cards + 8 retail energy cards = 223 total Tags ignore Pokemon, rare, psa, bgs, cgc, charizard, pikachu, mew. Mewtwo, starter, boosterpack, collectable, cards, eevee, Squirtle, bulbasaur, espeon, lugia, ash, brock, misty, rare, v, vmax, ex, gx, shiny, shining, first, fossil, jungle, tcg, darkness ablaze, vivid voltage, xy, evolutions, sword and shield, legends, charmander, charmeleon champions path ultra prism prizm elite rainbow secret Nintendo promo Holy grail, shining fates, shiny vault, cards, venusaur, ultra rare, ash, brock, trainer, starter, legendary, promo holo foil Holographic league battle shining fates black star promo hidden cosmos galaxy brilliantstars crownzenith silvertempest.